
Deworming cats regularly helps ensure their health and prevents the spread of parasites.

Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, deworming may be a monthly routine.

What are some types of parasites found in cats?

Internal parasites that can be found in cats are ringworm, hookworm, tapeworm, roundworm, coccidia, and giardia. These parasites can be picked up on microscope.

If my cat has worms, what symptoms should I look for?

In some cases, there are little to no symptoms. Symptoms may include a pot belly, difficulty gaining weight, and visible worms in bowel movements.

Are worms dangerous to humans?

Certain parasites can affect humans negatively. Come chat with our seasoned professionals on how to keep you and your pets protected.

What is the deworming schedule?

Through conversation with your veterinarian, you can decide a deworming schedule that works best for your cat.

Are there any side effects from deworming medication?

At Companion Animal Hospital, we pride ourselves on offering safe deworming options for you. It is not uncommon for your pet to have some gut upsets after taking a dose; however, if a product doesn’t sit well with your pet, we have plenty of other options.

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