Pet Memorial

Welcome to the rainbow bridge, my friends. Below you can take a look at all of the friends who have joined us on this journey and will be watching us from above. When you are sad don’t forget that your friend and ours, will always be in our hearts. If you would like to submit a long-lasting tribute and have a few last words to your baby click here to submit a picture and memorial. Your information will not be sent to any third parties.

Tigger B.

Passed: November 29, 2021.


We won the lottery when we adopted Tigger from a plumbing warehouse 8 years ago. He was the most loving cat and wasn’t afraid to show his affection. He always seemed to know when you were down and needed some attention. The loss we feel is immeasurable but so is the love we will always have for him.


Forever in our hearts ❀

Marzipan (Marz) C.

Passed: June 20, 2021.


Marz was my first rat. I adopted him from a friend when he wasn’t getting along with his cage mate, and I am so glad I did. Although we only had 9 months, I hope they were as awesome for him as they were for me. I love you forever my honeyrat.

Weasel H.

Passed: July 23, 2020.


Our furbaby, our best friend, our 5:30 am on the dot alarm clock! Weasel (almost 18!) was a beautiful soul. She loved when our boys would come home from school and would greet them with a loving meow ❀ Her favourite toys were straws and milk caps haha! Her fur siblings Stewie and Cupcake also miss her very much. She had a wonderful life and she made ours that much better by being part of it! ❀

Lucky S.

Passed: June 20th, 2019.


This is our fur baby, Lucky. He is/was our little fighter. He was always a very curious, friendly people’s cat. He was the friendly neighbourhood cat that everyone knew! He loved being outdoors, doing what cats do best, chasing and catching mice and sometimes would even bring them home as a present; Other times, he would love basking in the Sun. He was and will forever be loved and spoiled.


His name Lucky was exactly what he was. He was very much a little fighter and never got sick up until he got older. At that point, the amazing team at companion took such good care of him. When it was finally his time, we knew he lived such a full and happy life and was so loved. We were very fortunate to have had him for as long as we did … a little over 19 amazing strong years. There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t miss him but he will forever be in our hearts ❀

Ivy Rose W.

Passed: November 6, 2017.


Little Ivy. You were loved so much and brought so much joy into our lives. Your time with us was not long enough. You are missed.

Maggie S.

Birthday: July 15, 2006
Passed: November 26, 2021


Had to share this photo of “Maggie”. My 3 year old niece, Scottie had just gotten eye glasses and wanted to put a pair of toy ones on Maggie. It made her laugh and feel a little bit better about wearing glasses. All the great memories I have make the heart ache a little bit less. I miss her!?

Gilbert C.

Birthday: April 1, 2005
Passed: Jan 5, 2022

Our precious Gilby passed last night. He was the little heartbeat and the majestic overseer of this home for almost 18 years, and we are going to miss him so very much. RIP my little curmudgeon.

Hershey S.

Birthday: June 29, 2009
Passed: April 20, 2022

Hershey loved visiting Dr. Slaunwhite and the girls at the desk. He always enjoyed his treats and walks around the clinic.

Hershey loved his people, he would get so excited every time he would see them that at times he would knock them over.

He of course loved his family and we love him. We hope the bridge is treating you well, sweet boy. Until we meet again, love always and forever.


Passed: Sept 4, 2024


After a beautiful 14 years our boy crossed the rainbow Bridge. We are absolutely devastated and heartbroken that our beloved fur baby has passed, he was so very loved and cherished since the day he came into our lives 14 years ago.


Icarium was born blind but that never hindered him. We fell in love with his big eyes and playful spirit. Icarium loved everyone he met - he was a gentle soul; he shared his treats and toys with his future brother Charlie and even his kitty sister's Mama C and Misses J. Living with a blind dog was a journey of many firsts but most importantly Icarium was a source of comfort, love and joy every single day and we are forever grateful for all that he brought into our lives.


We will forever carry the imprint of his love and the memories of our shared love and joy. He was a blessing to us all. We will miss you forever, until we see you again Handsome.


Love Daddy, Mommy, Charlie & Misses J xoxoxo πŸΎπŸ’œπŸΎ

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