
Providing support, guidance, and compassionate care during a difficult time.

At Companion Animal Hospital, we understand that deciding to say goodbye is never easy. We will walk you through these final steps with dignity, compassion, and care.

What is pet euthanasia and how do I know when it’s the right time?

When the bad days outnumber the good, it’s time to have a quality of life discussion with your vet. They can help you make the right choice.

Can I say goodbye to my pet in the comfort of our home?

We may be able to accommodate an at-home visit depending on our availability. Please give us a call so we can discuss options in great detail.

How is the euthanasia drug administered?

The overdose of anesthetic is administered intravenously. It allows for a painless and peaceful goodbye.

What does it mean when the candle behind the reception desk is lit?

It means that someone is having to say good-bye to a dear friend. During this time, we would appreciate your respect and consideration.

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